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A Bit About Me

Cameron is an Australian-American actress and voiceover artist living in NYC.

She grew up in Sydney, Australia and moved to the New York burbs when she was 14, where she was first introduced to drama club and the thrill of telling stories in front of an audience. Three years later, she was in Texas at drama school and afterward started an experimental theater, Manhattan Theater Club, with fellow SMU graduates, thus helping to start the revitalization of the East Dallas area.  

In the 80’s, Cameron moved back to New York and threw herself into the burgeoning experimental  theater scene. By the end of the decade, the mounting casualties of so many gifted friends who were lost due to the AIDS Epidemic propelled her back to Australia. Driving thousands of kilometers around the continent in an ancient Holden station wagon nicknamed Bessie, her broken heart healed.  Or was fried - Bessie had no AC and months of temperatures above 100 degrees took their toll.

Once back in the US, Cameron returned to the regional theater scene and was privileged to play some glorious meaty roles like Shirley Valentine and Judith Bliss in Noel Coward's Hay Fever. Interspersed were road trips to Tuscany and Turkey in cars with - again - no AC in blistering summer. 

She finally returned to New York after two decades caretaking a beloved aunt with sudden onset dementia. She continues to work with Alzheimer’s and dementia sufferers and wishes she knew then what she now knows:  that Alzheimer’s is a treatable condition and can be reversible.